IDEA VIII: Using and Disposing Straw to Eliminate Stubble Burning

February 13, 2021 via Zoom Meetings
The key issues discussed during the roundtable were addressing the straw problem economically via both in-situ and ex-situ possibilities. The key takeaways from the discussion were a comprehensive understanding on the actions that needs to be taken to make these options financially viable for both the large and the small land-holding farmers.

IDEA VII: Fixing Delhi’s Pollution

October 10, 2021 via Zoom Meetings
The roundtable was conducted along with Climate Trends. The key issues discussed were actions to reduce vehicular, biomass, construction, road dust and garbage burning related pollution and immediate, medium term or long-term orientation solutions. The key takeaways were deciphering possible changes and how and by whom can they be effectively implemented.

IDEA Roundtable VI: Need for Improved AQ Communications

June 27, 2021 via Zoom Meetings
The key issues discussed were ways for researchers, sustainability entrepreneurs, and activists to communicate better about large and small issues to specific segments. The resulting takeaways were how to improve knowledge of environmental policy among students and laypersons and how decisionmakers and policymakers can have an improved understanding of policy alternatives.

IDEA Roundtable V: Green Jobs in the Indian Context

March 28, 2020 via Zoom Meetings
The key issues discussed were defining a green job, creating an ecosystem to encourage more jobs to be green and policy incentives for the same. The resulting takeaways were comprehensive understanding about definitions of green jobs, creating a rating mechanism for jobs, organisations and activities and way forward to enable a green ecosystem including skilling, entrepreneurship and incentives.

Read the white paper here.

IDEA Roundtable IV: Planting, Protecting and Managing Trees in Urban Areas

November 16, 2019 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
The key issues discussed were planners’ challenges and ways to address them. The key takeaways were the definitions, current institutional mechanisms including rules and regulations that govern urban greenspaces in India and the road ahead for policies related to urban greens.

Read the complete report here.

IDEA Roundtable III: The Road Ahead for Rooftop Solar in India

August 10, 2019 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
This roundtable was conducted along with The Citizen’s Alliance. The key issues discussed were whether incentives for solar rooftop should be directed to individual consumers or discoms, whether air conditioners should be made more efficient or its demand regulated etc.

Read the complete white paper here.

IDEA Roundtable II: What We Don’t Know About Air Quality

May 18, 2019 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
This roundtable was conducted along with the Centre for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics. The key issues discussed were whether to have single or multiple emissions inventories, whether to strengthen existing regulators or establish new ones and whether ownership of sharing knowledge lies with scientist scholars or policymakers. The resulting takeaways were comprehensive understanding about air pollution and its solutions, converting knowledge to actions and getting the regulatory institutions right.

Read the complete white paper here.

IDEA Roundtable I: Fixing Delhi’s Pollution

The key issues discussed during this roundtable conducted at the India International Centre were causes and sources of pollution in Delhi and most effective ways for abatement. The resulting takeaways were establishing that pollution is a governance problem, breaking down air quality of Delhi, summarising the impacts of air pollution and comprehensively collating the sources of air pollution.

Read the complete white paper here.

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